Q: This algorithm doesn't work!

That isn't a question, but if you're having trouble getting an algorithm to work, the first thing you should do is check if you're performing it correctly. Sometimes people get confused with their Bs, B's, Ds, and D's, so check the notation page to see if you're doing each move correctly. Remember to turn the face as if you are looking directly at it!

If it still doesn't work, check to see if your cube is even solvable, which is the next question. If it is solvable, it's entirely possible I've just made a mistake writing it down. Check the contact page if you want to send me an email, or leave a comment at the bottom of any page.

Q: How do I check if my cube is unsolvable? How can I fix it if it is?

If you disassemble and reassemble a Rubik's Cube randomly, you have a 91.6% chance of making it unsolvable. Obviously, rearranging the stickers is similarly not good for it. But you wouldn't have done that, because that's cheating. Nevertheless, if your child, annoying friend, or jilted former lover somehow got hold of it and ruined it for you, you probably won't find out until you get to the third layer. If you run into any of these situations:

Then your cube is unfortunately unsolvable. Fortunately, it can easily be fixed. The correct way doing this is to turn any face by 45 degrees and wedge your thumb/something else stiff under the exposed edge piece, applying force to pop it out. It should come out relatively easily. There are countless videos on YouTube that show this procedure, if you want to see it done first. You can then reassemble your cube in a solved position. If you can't reassemble your cube in a solved position, you may have to peel off some stickers and put them back in the correct place.

If you came here from step 4 in the beginner's method, don't stop now! You may have just reassembled your cube in a solved state, but scramble it again and go through the four steps again. You know what you're doing now, and you're really close to the end!

Q: Step 7 of the beginner's guide doesn't work! I'm applying the algorithm correctly, and my cube is definitely solvable! What's up with that?

Well firstly, you are not alone. Step 7 is certainly the most troublesome step, so it's the one I've rewritten and edited over and over again. I'm very sure that the instructions are 100% correct, so go through it again, and read it really carefully.

However, there are some common errors that you can definitely look out for:

  1. It's really easy to mix up D and D'. Remember that D is turned clockwise as if you were looking directly at the down face. You can always refer back to the notation page to see exactly what that looks like.
  2. When you have done one corner, you need to only use U and U' to move the next incorrect corner into the FRU position. Don't rotate the whole cube.
  3. Don't forget to do the last D of the algorithm. You want the yellow face of the cubie to be pointing upwards, but this will actually occur when you execute the penultimate move in the algorithm, an R. It is super important to not forget the D that comes after it!

Also, you can use the fancy 3D example solve, so give that a whirl. It'll show you the exact process step by step. If you still have trouble, you can always read the comments at the bottom the page (others have had trouble too) or post your own asking for help!

Q: Which brand of cube should I buy? What do you use?

I personally use a stickerless Dayan V ZhanChi cube and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. If you're just beginning to solve the cube then any cube will do, but if you want to get serious about speedcubing then you'll need a decent one. The official Rubik's Cube website sells custom cubes that you can put together yourself and designed for speedcubing, but don't be tempted. I've tried them myself and while they are perfectly usable, for me they just don't compare to the Dayan cubes.

Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?

I don't, nor do I plan on getting one. I made this website because I much prefer text guides over having to skip back and forth in a video of someone saying 'umm' and 'err' a lot into a low quality microphone. Some things are just explained better in text, and I thought I might be able to have a good go of it!